Sunday, November 20, 2011

PERFORMANCE UPGRADE CBR150; Capital Rp. 47 thousand; CBR kenceng so much!

Ngencengin CBR is easy ... if there are funds hehe. Bona fide residence workshop sambangi a message .. ... motor ngencengin wrong order .... ... Direct pay speeding ... hehe.
But klo ngencengin CBR with capital of less than 50rb .... Garage which could accept the challenge? Palingan also cuman dapet small service.

Well ... here's a tip trick ngencengin CBR with capital guaranteed 47rb aja ... more applause ampe 10% of the standard conditions.

1. Remove the rubber on the nose filters the air. The cost of Rp. 0.

The way the boss all should loose his cbr tank, trus to facilitate removing the rubber snout better bok removable filter first. After that just make nglepas moncing deh raped her rubber ... hehe .. Quote .. but it can be difficult rada dilakukaan. The trick pulled one hand and another hand pushing from the opposite direction. With this rubber snout ngelepas air supply can ditingkatn for ... ....% ... Hehe .. sorry I measured and calculated natar first ..:) blum had euy ... klo dah successfully removed, please attach another filter box is complete with the filter into place .

Karbu muzzle which should be removed

2. Naikin pake size 42 pilot jet and re-air setting. The cost of Rp. 35,000.

To mengimbangai increased amount of air discharge snout kaerna dah removable air filter then please Increase the size of the pilot jet to number 42. as information, the old CBR PJ default size is 38 new Quote (ga one from 2007) the size Pjnya dah 40. PJ Price Quote Extrme 30rb brand, brand klo Ori (who sell .. who says there is a K logo emblem Keihin) 35rbu ... ni benchmark price based on the price of the purchase price in the AL I Yamin. Suggestions pake the K brand. Because klo example pake Kitaco (25rbuan) some say it was smaller than ori reply.

Klo dah buy, immediately wrote plug ... my assumption all is good bro oprek so the motor can plug the carburetor disassemble it yourself .... Hehe ... But mo tau klo klo caarnya Okay .. so .... Sekalaian had nyopot air filter box .. then off too karbunya ngendorin way that the intake manifold clamps .. living trus trus .. balikin karbunya unplug and open bowl with CAA ngelepas karbunga four bolt ... trus off his PJ PJ pairs of new trus ... karbunya bowl cover again and put the bolt ... finished deh ... ganmpang right?!

3. Cut the coil wires along the 3 cm. The cost of Rp. 0.

With step number 1 and 2 above indicates that it is increasing the amount of fuel and air cambupran .. now move to raise the spark plugs. You do this by cutting the spark plug wires. By cutting the spark plug wires about 3 ampe 4 cm means reducing the resistance value of about 25% of the spark plug wires ... mantab right?!

Way off the first fairing please kirikanan, trus off the radiator, trus loose spark plug from the cord cop ... do with rotated counter-clockwise ... remember not long dibetot aja .. because the cable is jamming so if forced dibetot drat aja going ngrusak cord. Klo dah please cut off about 3 ato 4 cm ... remember it must be ensured tersbut cable length can still reach out to the spark plug Quote ntar installed again.

After that plug the cord into the plug with a prison cop stabbed and rotated clockwise and jamming higga kenceng drat. Then plug it again. E .. ehh .. do not be fitted first ding. Proceed to number 4 before ... J

4. Make grounding strap on the spark plug wires. The cost of Rp. 7,000.

Ground strap is a kind of spark plug cables coil which serves to capture the wild frequency formed around the cable due to high voltages and currents are channeled from the coil to the spark plugs. With the ground strap is the current to the spark plugs will be creating a focus and a maximum spark of fire. Coil competition that this technology menmakai dah other natara nology (ampir fund spends 2 million klo mo buy) there is also the Protec (sipakan funds nearly 400 RBU redeem klo mo) .... So that klo sampeyan kratif enough to make its own ground strap with a capital of seven thousand silver ... hehe.

Please buy copper wire of 0.5 mm diameter of one meter aja .. ga slah worth 7 thousand ... yes. Bought at an electronics store. Then please wrapped around the spark plug wire from spark plug most deket cop deket ampe into a coil. At the end leave the cord to be connected to ground to bolt the handle of the machine and coil (for jamming ground). Please windings wrapped with heat elotip custody. Ni pictures of the forum next ... hehe ... Once done just reinstall the spark plug wires to copnya.

5. Reset the spark plug gap be 1mm (make sure the spark plug condition is still good). The cost of Rp. 0.

So that the maximum spark plugs must be ensured healthy horse cart wal .... Hehe ... I am assuming all the spark plug boss masi OK so no need to buy, so the cost of Rp. 0 ... stay reset gap of 1 mm. Please use the tools of precision. Pinjem ga got to the garage. Klo mo pinjem I also should have ... .. please come ... lol ...

6. Plug in the cable per clutch. Costs 5,000.

Now we ulik pemghantar device engines power the system transmini .. .. cie cie ...! per ko [limg CBR in my opinion is just right .. ga ga too soft and too hard .... istilanya "kenyel-kemyel maknyusss" ... hehehe. Nevertheless there is some power consumed by these frictional forces against the clutch cable at clutch release so big ga ... yes siy palinga cuman 3 ato 4% power per aja ... but klo lose this spring force then of course we remove the reaction will also be an increase of 3 ato 4% also ... is not it not?!

Now way is to install a clutch cable tip in deket crankcase. Pake the usual statement using that for motorcycle rear drum brakes. Heragnya 5rbu silver. Select the diameter is too big ga,,,, and quite long. With these pairs per cable then the friction clutch will disappear so that the power per clutch will be used for pressing kampasnya bener2. Quote me confused natar psang deh picture ... hehe ... blum sempet in this photo, Gan.

Setting the final stage.

After all steps are done please nayalakan motor and reset the settings karbunya wind. How. Under conditions of Nayla engine, turn the carburetor air setting clockwise (closing) ampe stuck .... Watch not to die by withholding gas engine. Turn the gas ampe 3000 RPM, air setting trus turn to the left berlwanan clockwise (open) until the engine starts to scream to the highest round ... nah that's the setting that already fit.

Well, that's cheap tip for optimizing the performance of our CBR 150R .... Padet guaranteed more power, better flight also ... hehe...

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