Sunday, November 20, 2011

CAREFULLY BEFORE BUY Keihin PE28 carburetor; ORI, KW1, KW2, OR KW3

Keihin PE28 carburetor at a glance. The market a lot of outstanding this carburetor from the type of racing KW3 ampe made in Japan. Many people who confused ngebedainnya .. that sometimes leads one to buy. This carburetor once popular among motorcycle enthusiasts oprek. one reason is this carburetor precision in regulating the mixture of gasoline and air. PE28 is a congenital karbu Honda NSR SP.

Because it is so popular then lawful commercial ... cie cie ... So many outstanding fake ... even up to several grade levels. Some users of PE false complaints include ga msin be slow, difficult nyeting his mbrebet at a certain rpm range, and so on ... should be careful before buying, Om ... following his tips.

PE28 PE KW3 ato called China, light-colored body, threaded the needle skepnya have created set, finishing a rough body. Karbu KW3 ni mostly circulating in Central Java and East Java .... Rather difficult in the setting. Harnyanya about 300 - 350rbu.

PE28 carburetor KW3, bright shiny body
PE28 KW2. Body darker than who KW3, finishing also still rather rough, ga needle can be set. Hargnya around 400rbuan.

PE28 KW1. yg ni most widely sold and used matches maniac. Dark colors, no needle threaded his suit, neat finishing, sold without packaging. Price spanned 500 to 600 rbuan.

PE28 Ori Honda Thailand. Finishing pristine, dark colors, but dalemnya skepticism chrome yellow gold and heavy. No threaded needle setting, sold by box packaging complete with code honda parts. Some mechanics say that the carburetor is actually the same ori aja's just different than what they KW1 bebrapa dikemasan ... but who else says different .... Hehe ... I think siy ... klo klo yg dah it definite ori through quality control to be more reliable Honda .. so ... hehe ... not just because I pake the ori is yes .... . Oh yes ... the price of this ori yag spanned 850 - 900rbu.

Thai Honda PE28 ori; body dark, neat, no packaging
PE28 Racing ... ... ato mechanics sometimes mention as PE Japan, the most expensive price around 1.9 million. Clear finishing neatly, there is skepticism threaded needle settings, choke stuck in the carburetor directly (RX-rich carburetor King), trus at the bottom of the carburetor bowl there is a big enough cap bolts ... use when setting the motor need to mutually size PJ / MJ no need to open carburetor bowl, cover bolts loose enough TSB and PJ / MJ can be dismantled through the plug hole ... hehehe ... ... but the price is right mangstab kaga restrain, Pakdhe ...!
Besides the above there are also "PE-PE's" rich TDR PE28, PE Daytona, mengkin can be classified as ato KW1 KW1, 5 times yes ... hehe .... The price is also the surrounding areas KW1 prices.

I sendir pake the Ori Honda thailand. Quote sya experience says the setting is easy, provided jeting fitting motoor will ga ... mrebet at all rpm motor symptoms can be slow ga is often experienced by some friend yag pake kw1 ane nor natural.

PERFORMANCE UPGRADE CBR150; Capital Rp. 47 thousand; CBR kenceng so much!

Ngencengin CBR is easy ... if there are funds hehe. Bona fide residence workshop sambangi a message .. ... motor ngencengin wrong order .... ... Direct pay speeding ... hehe.
But klo ngencengin CBR with capital of less than 50rb .... Garage which could accept the challenge? Palingan also cuman dapet small service.

Well ... here's a tip trick ngencengin CBR with capital guaranteed 47rb aja ... more applause ampe 10% of the standard conditions.

1. Remove the rubber on the nose filters the air. The cost of Rp. 0.

The way the boss all should loose his cbr tank, trus to facilitate removing the rubber snout better bok removable filter first. After that just make nglepas moncing deh raped her rubber ... hehe .. Quote .. but it can be difficult rada dilakukaan. The trick pulled one hand and another hand pushing from the opposite direction. With this rubber snout ngelepas air supply can ditingkatn for ... ....% ... Hehe .. sorry I measured and calculated natar first ..:) blum had euy ... klo dah successfully removed, please attach another filter box is complete with the filter into place .

Karbu muzzle which should be removed

2. Naikin pake size 42 pilot jet and re-air setting. The cost of Rp. 35,000.

To mengimbangai increased amount of air discharge snout kaerna dah removable air filter then please Increase the size of the pilot jet to number 42. as information, the old CBR PJ default size is 38 new Quote (ga one from 2007) the size Pjnya dah 40. PJ Price Quote Extrme 30rb brand, brand klo Ori (who sell .. who says there is a K logo emblem Keihin) 35rbu ... ni benchmark price based on the price of the purchase price in the AL I Yamin. Suggestions pake the K brand. Because klo example pake Kitaco (25rbuan) some say it was smaller than ori reply.

Klo dah buy, immediately wrote plug ... my assumption all is good bro oprek so the motor can plug the carburetor disassemble it yourself .... Hehe ... But mo tau klo klo caarnya Okay .. so .... Sekalaian had nyopot air filter box .. then off too karbunya ngendorin way that the intake manifold clamps .. living trus trus .. balikin karbunya unplug and open bowl with CAA ngelepas karbunga four bolt ... trus off his PJ PJ pairs of new trus ... karbunya bowl cover again and put the bolt ... finished deh ... ganmpang right?!

3. Cut the coil wires along the 3 cm. The cost of Rp. 0.

With step number 1 and 2 above indicates that it is increasing the amount of fuel and air cambupran .. now move to raise the spark plugs. You do this by cutting the spark plug wires. By cutting the spark plug wires about 3 ampe 4 cm means reducing the resistance value of about 25% of the spark plug wires ... mantab right?!

Way off the first fairing please kirikanan, trus off the radiator, trus loose spark plug from the cord cop ... do with rotated counter-clockwise ... remember not long dibetot aja .. because the cable is jamming so if forced dibetot drat aja going ngrusak cord. Klo dah please cut off about 3 ato 4 cm ... remember it must be ensured tersbut cable length can still reach out to the spark plug Quote ntar installed again.

After that plug the cord into the plug with a prison cop stabbed and rotated clockwise and jamming higga kenceng drat. Then plug it again. E .. ehh .. do not be fitted first ding. Proceed to number 4 before ... J

4. Make grounding strap on the spark plug wires. The cost of Rp. 7,000.

Ground strap is a kind of spark plug cables coil which serves to capture the wild frequency formed around the cable due to high voltages and currents are channeled from the coil to the spark plugs. With the ground strap is the current to the spark plugs will be creating a focus and a maximum spark of fire. Coil competition that this technology menmakai dah other natara nology (ampir fund spends 2 million klo mo buy) there is also the Protec (sipakan funds nearly 400 RBU redeem klo mo) .... So that klo sampeyan kratif enough to make its own ground strap with a capital of seven thousand silver ... hehe.

Please buy copper wire of 0.5 mm diameter of one meter aja .. ga slah worth 7 thousand ... yes. Bought at an electronics store. Then please wrapped around the spark plug wire from spark plug most deket cop deket ampe into a coil. At the end leave the cord to be connected to ground to bolt the handle of the machine and coil (for jamming ground). Please windings wrapped with heat elotip custody. Ni pictures of the forum next ... hehe ... Once done just reinstall the spark plug wires to copnya.

5. Reset the spark plug gap be 1mm (make sure the spark plug condition is still good). The cost of Rp. 0.

So that the maximum spark plugs must be ensured healthy horse cart wal .... Hehe ... I am assuming all the spark plug boss masi OK so no need to buy, so the cost of Rp. 0 ... stay reset gap of 1 mm. Please use the tools of precision. Pinjem ga got to the garage. Klo mo pinjem I also should have ... .. please come ... lol ...

6. Plug in the cable per clutch. Costs 5,000.

Now we ulik pemghantar device engines power the system transmini .. .. cie cie ...! per ko [limg CBR in my opinion is just right .. ga ga too soft and too hard .... istilanya "kenyel-kemyel maknyusss" ... hehehe. Nevertheless there is some power consumed by these frictional forces against the clutch cable at clutch release so big ga ... yes siy palinga cuman 3 ato 4% power per aja ... but klo lose this spring force then of course we remove the reaction will also be an increase of 3 ato 4% also ... is not it not?!

Now way is to install a clutch cable tip in deket crankcase. Pake the usual statement using that for motorcycle rear drum brakes. Heragnya 5rbu silver. Select the diameter is too big ga,,,, and quite long. With these pairs per cable then the friction clutch will disappear so that the power per clutch will be used for pressing kampasnya bener2. Quote me confused natar psang deh picture ... hehe ... blum sempet in this photo, Gan.

Setting the final stage.

After all steps are done please nayalakan motor and reset the settings karbunya wind. How. Under conditions of Nayla engine, turn the carburetor air setting clockwise (closing) ampe stuck .... Watch not to die by withholding gas engine. Turn the gas ampe 3000 RPM, air setting trus turn to the left berlwanan clockwise (open) until the engine starts to scream to the highest round ... nah that's the setting that already fit.

Well, that's cheap tip for optimizing the performance of our CBR 150R .... Padet guaranteed more power, better flight also ... hehe...


This research is dedicated to the users of FU are still a student. Why? Because right now I am more and more often clay street schoolgirl uses FU as a means of transportation to school, some seemed still the standard, and some have been upgraded a bit, such as pairs of free flow exhaust but without being followed by other steps, would be the only voice but kenceng running less with standard motors. Or there is also a focus to look just by changing the type of rim with your fingers and put a super thin tires (tires specifically drag the point ..), I think this is also not good because the motor Quote healthy and can kenceng but then because of tire pake thin so ga can not even turn when lauched danger, Bro .... try banyangin, fit again speeding ma Supra x (hehehe ...) and managed to bulldoze a FU ... but then his young tau-tau nyungsep in a corner because cornering traction for less ... tengsin it becomes.
Departing from the things that I conducted research FU up-grade performance that can be emulated by the students ... essentially siy FU users up-grade performance but at a cost affordable by students .. hehehe ... so tuh student loh special meaning ...!

From the results of observations in the top few workshops to up-grade to the FU always rely on the replacement part with the famous brands are obviously expensive. I think all people can siy ngencengin FU ... .. Quote duitnya many part-part live redeem an expensive racing fitted trus ... so FU kenceng deh! Cuman problem is how the fate of the brothers of students who want to FU was also kenceng but limited pocket money ... hehe .. not necessarily also mean pocket money is really limited, but they've got other expense items such as cost nraktir gebetan rich, the cost of makeup I'll conduct myself .. hehhe .. cepet nyogok cost nyokapnya gebetan .. and others, which in essence makes the expenditure items for FU so limited ..

Well, for younger siblings penggenjot FU students ... the older ones may also nyonto ding, here is a tip up-grade (mostly) dah dipraktekin directly on my bike ... which obviously I guarantee by doing uipgrade like this will not make you TTM displaced,,, piss ...

1. The first step most easily, replace pilot jet with a size of 5.17, could have a shogun old pake. Price palingan 30rb. Thx cheaper brands pake Kitaco harnganya 17.5 thousands

2. Remove the cylinder head gasket, use 1 layer of the middle aja, this step means naikin standard compression ratio of 10.2 to about 11.4. This step siy to the workshop wrote, for example, fitting all major servicing. Thx naikin higher compression, gasket down the block can be released and have pake ga gasket, simply glue the gasket aja pake (the top tetep pake a gasket), try this trick dah jogja and proven mechanical piston valve or not a collision with oil leaks . Step off the block gasket below cobain but I want blum sempet, ntar fit great service again wrote rich.

3. Ported holes in & out. Holes in and out of each 1 mm in diameter gedein This one also had to go to the garage. Some of the top garage to fix the price 300rb 500rb. But bengkel2 racing home palingan 100rb.

4. Replace the carburetor (that means no need to step number 1), suggestions have pake RX King (because it is cheap, and fit and can plug directly into the intake manifold and air filter standard), spuyer can try PJ 20 MJ 135, 1.5 air setting opposite spin clockwise (plis note of each motor can beda2), the position of skepticism in the threaded needle clip number 2 from above. Another alternative could also have pake the NSR SP Keihin PE 28 600 rbuan new prices are Thailand (Beware of china fakes). Quote replace carburetor, you should also install taps for gas compressor model gantiin original vacuum models ... let gasoline flow smoothly ...

5. majuin teeth TOP 1 eye, this means majuin load time entry and exhaust valve closing. If you want more advanced again setingannya is the entry valve dimajuin an eye trus dump dimundurin one eye ... the technical term for his nyempitin LSA (Lobe Separation Angle ... for optimizing the rinsing process at high speed ... hehehe ... confused, bewildered deh ....), The results also steady but estrangement valve must be made more narrow (so in 0.07 mm and 0.1 mm out) of the size standard in a way mainin his thick shim. Which is clearly mending to the garage siy aja ... trus workshop should also be a candidate.

6. off the air filter (replace carburetor klo dah), which removed only the air filter element ... it tuh wrote that there is no paper saringanya. While boknya still installed and connected to the carburetor. If still want to rely on the standard carburetor satndar filter can still be used / installed in the holes in the paper but in some places, guntingin wrote, palingan 3 hole size of 0.5 x 4 cm (length x height). Can dilakuin own

7. cut into 2 cm coil cable (cable resistance = ngurangin about 10%), Can dilakuin own. Remember bener2 put up the cord again be strong, how ditusukin and played until ngedrat.

8. Iridium spark plug replace pake (suggestions rather cheap brand pake Sindengen / SDG 30rb) results are good. Thx tetep pake also gapapa standard plugs, again set the gap so cuman 0.9 to 1 mm

9. pake a special motor oil (what the brand is important wrote the original), trus pake is 10/40.

10. replace the free flow exhaust, advice is cheap and quite powerful homemade Edi Sawangan pake (the plates varnish cuman 250 rb), or Ahau 400rb .... or SKR 375rb ... a clear look even more frightening because the ruthless son of exhaust material from the plate in lacquer doing plus a rich chocolate-brown rusty ... far from being greasy which is often caused when aluminum or chrome exhaust pake ... hehehe ... no offense ya make a pake expensive exhaust 2 ...)

11. Position axle on the setter kekencengan cultivated chain at position sedepan possible, klo need to cut 2 eye chain. The advantage, distance behind the front axle so the shorter the bike more agile maneuvering .. other properties for reducing the sounds of chains because chains compete with the swing arm.

12. Per clutch in ganjel approximately 1 mm, can pake pieces per clutch (can be anything aja pake have a motor home the same diameter, the price palingan 15 thousand), but must first let ditipisin pake ga ketebelan grinding. This step should dibengkel aja. Then at the end of the clutch cable on top of the crankcase, diujungnya dipakein per which is often used in brake drum (the price of five thousand) for ngedorong lever clutch lever to the back cepet. The result cepet clutch so the motor directly behind it and jump so the clutch is released .... A clear second step can also be replaced by pairs per clutch racing (100-150 rb, but beware, some users complain bike racing clutch per cuman good 3 months, it abis per so soft and less kicking again .... per clutch standard CBU especially those rich more durable and with diganjel, hardness will be equivalent to per racing). But taking into account the side effects so that the left hand finger pegel2 klo through the traffic.

13. Pulser is shifted one ampe 2 milli ... which is why I ga tau can bikim more motor racing, but I praktekin result was tasteless really. Tell the person who wrote mundurin workshop.

14. nah klo all the steps above ... or some ... aja certainly already done dah jumped motor performance. But specifically for temen2 in Jakarta ato crowded area in terms of track trajectories resulting pendek2 can freely pol ga gas in gear 5 ato 6 ... it is advisable to replace the front gear pake 13 eyes (defaults to 14 eyes) had a Yamaha Crypton pake F1ZR ato ... wrote an ASPIRA buy artificial or indopart cumin 30 thousands ... the results are more interesting again ampe motor gear 6 though. This step does not reduce significantly Top Speed ​​(right anyways disaranin made that often get jammed so ga-ever top speed of nge .. hehe) instead just make the motor more quickly reach top speed.

If funds are still there
Further step is to replace the CDI, coil and the ga ... racing camshafts for these three items need 1.5 million .. but very worth it when done .. hehe .. CDI XP pake advice Andrion HP 7 (400 thousand) combined coil andrion also ama (170 thousand). For information, to teman2 in the middle east java prefer pake Rextor CDI. For BRT CDI is actually good too, only according to the manufacturer and the test results, the BRT is only suitable when the coil is still the standard pake ... klo coil racing sometimes even drop his strength or CDI cepet dead.

When the CDI has been replaced by racing then you should also replace the valve harder, pake merek2 racing like WRD, CLD, TK, etc ... can also pake atao original but elevated 1 mm (this is recommended because the case at dengna per clutch, the racing sometimes so soft after a long time ...

For camshaft / Noken pake WRD, CLD, Kawahara, Akutagawa (850-1 millions ... ato almost 2jutaan NMF) ... ato ... something's up because I own this Quote nyobain blum. Klo dah replace chamshaft pake means that racing No steps. 5 does not need to be done.

Hopefully useful.

Ported Polish
Remove the packing, use one wrote that the middle
Iridium spark plugs Sindengen
Karbu RX-King, PJ 20 MJ 150
PAIR disabled
Coil wires cut into 2 cm
Pulser dimundurin 2 mm
Per clutch in the chock 1 mm
Semi-open filters
0.07 mm slit in the valve out 0.1 mm
Valve in one eye forward, rewind an eye out
Gear 13/43
Performance: dental 4120 kph (stuck limiter) .. 5 135 kph teeth ... teeth 6 .. blum've met quite deserted road for full throttle ...

Plan workshop COIL subscription ane ... Speed!

rada odd name probably stands for the two mechanical gokilnya KOEK Si and Si ... hehe .. would ULIL abbreviated COIL ..

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Originally posted by Race Motor Jfk Team.
Grosir/Eceran variasi motor, aksesoris motor, suku cadang modif dan racing parts.


Originally posted by Race Motor Jfk Team.

Grosir/Eceran variasi motor, aksesoris motor, suku cadang modif dan racing parts.